“But God has shown us how much he loves us—it was while we were still sinners that Christ died for us!”
Romans 5:8 GNT
Every girl is moved when her man does something with much effort to show her he loves her. Nothing melts a girl's heart more than that. Can you think of a time where your man or if you're single maybe a good memory of a boyfriend who really did go the extra mile for you on something? You know how valued that made you feel? Just think of it that way when you try to comprehend that Jesus is THAT head over heels for you that He went for the ultimate sacrifice for you. He sacrificed His very life. That's just how special we are to Him. Think about Him as a real guy who would do such and did. Wow!
Random thought from yesterday afternoon ~ a distant memory of the song from the 80s "What Have You Done For Me Lately" ...oooh oooh oooh yea! Sorry, flashback for a moment. Yea, most of you are probably more spiritual than that but that was my big revelation reflecting on Easter. Janet Jackson! LOL
If you've ever read The Five Love Languages book, mine is Acts of Service so that song probably strikes a chord in me that it may not if that isn't your top love language. Well, I'ld say the cross was the ultimate act of service!! When I think of it that way, my heart beats faster in awe of what My Master did for me. This is not some religious game we are playing. It isn't just a nice cultural or even family thing to do-get dressed up, go to church and help the less fortunate. No! That is not what it's about. I mean that's all good and definitely part of it but Jesus literally died on a cross for us. He literally rose from the dead and He did this because of His unconditional love toward us. Nothing makes a woman happier than a man who will lay down his own life for her even just figuratively speaking. Ladies, this God-man named Jesus did for us what we long for our men to do. Perhaps our deep desire of our husbands washing dishes for us (or fill in the blank) could be satisfied at least somewhat by our relying on alllllll that Jesus has done for us. Fall into His loving arms that have accomplished it all for you. He already won our battles we haven't even begun yet. He has already secured for us all the security we so desperately long for. He can be { if we let Him be } all that our hearts long for relationally. When our hearts are broken or hurt from relational pain, let's commit together today that we will remember that Jesus will never leave or forsake us. He is the friend that literally sticks closer than a brother scripture promises. Do you see Him as a friend like that? I honestly haven't always been able to but I do now. You can too. It's so awesome! It is the missing link in our walks with God.
May the love of Christ wash over your heart and mind today like it never has. May your walk with God become more intimate and relational than ever before like mine has. And may the remembrance of Easter be a reminder of the ultimate Happy ANYWAY story of all. Jesus is today at the right hand of the Father right where He wants to be. Just remember love is how to get where you want to be. Love for people when they don't deserve it. It was while we were still sinners and had rejected Him that He died for us. Let's die to ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him...and love that person who has rejected us, forgive them, and watch God work on our behalfs. Trust Him and you will come through whatever hell you are facing by His strength and be raised up like He was ~ happy ANYWAY!