“You have not asked for anything in this way before, but now you must ask in my name. Then it will be given to you, so you will be completely happy.”
John 16:24 CEVUS06
Is it just me or can you, too, be generally happy but then you think of this or that and then comes frustration of your peace maybe or a discontentment of where you are or an anxiety about a situation of some kind or you fill in the blank?
So what if we could literally be completely happy? Could it be that they are right?...all of these successful people that tell us the key to having what we want out of life is very often connected to asking for it? Many motivational speakers echo one another saying to ask for what you want and surprisingly enough, much of the time the only reason you didn't get more is because you didn't ask for more.
Why do we not ask for more? Many times I believe it's because we don't think we deserve it asking ourselves "Who am I to think I could or even should have that much success?" Sometimes I think we don't ask for more because of what others might think of us. The best negotiators I know are very confident and don't mind one bit asking for what they want. But here's something else I've noticed about these people. The best ones also genuinely seem to be interested in what TRULY is the best thing for all involved.
When we TRULY in our hearts want what is right and best when we ask God for things, asking for them in His name, the Bible says He will do it for us so that we will be completely happy! That's amazing! Another verse showing us that He wants us to be completely happy. Not mostly happy but completely happy. He wants us to know how to ask for things so that we can be completely happy. He is telling us in this verse how to ask {in His name} THAT WE CAN BE COMPLETELY HAPPY. What?! That's so cool. When we ask for things that are in His name, we will only be asking for right things. We will be humbling ourselves in our asking ~ sort of running it through the filter of His name and at the same time backed by the power of His name to bring it to pass.
So guess what?! If the business world has figured out we get more when we ask for it, HOW MUCH MORE is that true of our heavenly Daddy when we climb up in His big lap and ask Him to do for us things we need of Him or desire of Him?! Go ahead today ~ ASK big of Him. I'm convinced He loves me BIG and He's just waiting for me to jump in His lap, look in His eyes and ASK the biggest thing yet of Him so He can delight in me and make me completely happy!!! His lap is big enough for all of us. Today envision yourself in God's lap with the whole #happysisterhood asking for what you need and even want. Then envision all of us jumping out of His lap running about throwing happy around like confetti all week sharing the goodness of God we received in His presence.
What will you ask of Him today? Don't wait. What's on your mind? Ask Him in faith in Jesus' name and then come back next week and share your testimony. Let's all together spread the happy like crazy this week!!
Happy Monday!