Before becoming happy anyway, that's exactly what I was on debt. It's not enough to have old stale manna from heaven. Girls, I had some of the best old stale manna. I had heard some of the best teaching on the planet and had heard from God personally in some pretty awesome ways. But fresh manna is so much better no matter how great the old stuff was. In no way am I discounting my heritage in the faith. It was those reservoirs I pulled from to dig myself up out of the mess I had made for myself in. But oh to go from glory to glory with fresh manna!! So much better😃
“Then the Lord said to Moses, “I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day. In this way I will test them and see whether they will follow my instructions.”
Exodus 16:4 NIV
If I had just simply been following His instructions, gathering fresh manna from His Word every day...honestly, I would have never lost my happy. Can I get an Amen? Seriously, the truths in my new book Happy ANYWAY will serve as great fresh manna for you if you struggle to own your happy. Click here to order your copy if you don't have one yet
or if you already have it, read it every day. Then find another great devotional after that to stir up the joy on the inside of you.
Listen, there is no secret potion. The key is to stay in His Word EVERY DAY. Stay hungry for more of Him and less of you. Here's the deal. You can only give what you have. "Such as I have, give I thee." scripture says. Well, stop giving on credit because after a while, the results of that are not pretty. Go to God each day and get fresh happy then spread the happy every day with everyone you come in contact with. It's what people need. The joy of the Lord is our strength. You could actually be just who someone needs to give them that little bit more strength to keep putting one step in front of the other. You see, finding our happy isn't about us at all. It's about spreading the happy. We can only give what we first have!!
Go get ya some happy from His Word today!
Happy Monday!!!