Go where you are celebrated and not tolerated was one of the very first leadership principles I learned in the early 90s just starting out in ministry. Have you ever heard that phrase? Probably have and if so, are you following it? To be honest, this phrase never struck a real emotional chord with me until much later in life. Perhaps it's because for the most part, fortunately, I've been celebrated most of my life. Very thankful indeed. It wasn't until I was only tolerated that I really understood this phrase to the fullest. It's all peaches and cream while you are celebrated but woa! ...when you are only tolerated and by people you celebrate...people who just celebrated you yesterday but their celebrating came to a screaching hault and they forgot to send you the memo as to why. Seems that others you also celebrate got the memo though and for that reason also only tolerate you now. Does this sound like a familiar predicament? Of course it does. We have all faced some version of this. At least in middle school if not since then. Problem is ~ 30 and 40 year olds can slip back into middle school behavior from time to time. lol So what to do if you find yourself in this situation? Ikr Leave it to me to keep it real, really real. But sorry~not sorry, real is the only way I know how to be. 😜 And if you are reading this it's because you have lost your happy and need to find it or you just understand you can never have too much happy. So here's a little happy for ya. If someone shows you that you are no longer celebrated by them, believe them!! In other words, you are wasting your time trying to drum up a relationship with someone who is no longer enjoying your company. Either they believe wrong things about you or they have just moved on for whatever reason, maybe not a bad reason but who knows? Doesn't matter. You just have to accept it as hard as it is. You are usually not going to change their minds. Go where you are celebrated not tolerated. Give your attention to those in your life that want it, not fretting over the ones who don't but you wish they did. All too often this is what we do and end up neglecting the ones who are for us in the process. This even happened to Jesus so no matter how great of a person you are and how loyal and true you are, this can still happen to you. What do we do? Get all heart broken and broken up about it. What did Jesus do? He shook off the dust and moved on to where He was celebrated. So guess what we should do? The same thing! WWJD? That's what He actually did do so why don't you and I consider doing the same thing?
You know those people who make you feel like your every move is judged by them because after all they have it all together to listen to them talk. You know the phone calls where the whole conversation is about how this person or that is doing this or that wrong? And then inevetibly at some point in the conversation there is a jab at you too? Listen, if you have a friend or should I say frenemy like that, you do not have to put up with that. Go where you are celebrated not tolerated or another way of saying it is go where you are loved not judged. Learning what I am telling you in this blog is a big part of how I found my happy. I made a quality decision in my life that I am only pursing relationships with people who are for me. You want to be in relationship with me? You will not be constantly rude to me or judge my every move. You will think the best of me like I do of you. I hope you draw that same line in the sand and only go where you are celebrated not tolerated. Sound selfish? No, it's loving. Ask yourself who are you only tolerating and I'll bet the Holy Spirit will convict you about your love walk regarding that person. Healthy relationships are a key to happiness. If you are in relationship with people who you are not celebrating and they are not celebrating you, you will not be happy. Plain and simple.
Ask the Lord today to highlight to you someone in your life that deserves to be celebrated and stop only tolerating them. Love them. Stop judging them. Extend grace. If everyone did this, guess what? That would mean we would all celebrate each other and that's how God intended it to be. You can only control you so do your part. Even if you are not celebrated by someone, just shake the dust off and move on. But ya know what? Love turns the other cheek. You can move on like Jesus did but you can still celebrate that person from the distance they desire. Love never fails. Love is THE key to happiness. Go where you are loved {celebrated} not judged {tolerated}. And the flip side of that also ~ Celebrate people. Love people.
Happy Monday!