Developing a taste for the finer things in life ✨
(Notes from yesterday’s message at Harvest Church. My husband killed it and just had to share in case you missed. Plus you know I added my two cents 😜
It was just as fun the second time going over these notes as it was yesterday. This is the stuff! Enjoy!)
Taste and see that the Lord is good. How blessed in the one who takes refuge in Him. Ps 34:8
Jesus came that we could have life more abundantly!
John 10:10
Three focuses in order to have the ultimate satisfaction in life -
Spirit - Soul - Body
Spiritual weariness is fought by a steady diet of the Word of God.
If you don’t want to fly off the handle or lose your edge you have to soak your handle. (Ax head story from Pick Up Sticks Series. Check it out at
The Word of God is to spiritual life the way food is to natural life.
God’s Word breathes life into you. If you ever find yourself with the “breath knocked out of you” from a tough spot in life, go to the Word! The Word gives you new breath, new life and nourishment to have the stamina to keep fighting the good fight! God’s Word will sustain you and give you the strength you need to keep going.
I heard it said before if we are overwhelmed, it’s sort of code for “I’m not in the Word like I need to be.” Yikes! No judgement - No condemnation but just join me and let’s choose to stop being so overwhelmed and let’s let the Word nourish our weary souls and fill us with hope for our days, faith for our fights, love for our lives, and joy for our journeys!
Be not a hearer of the Word but also a doer.
It’s not just information but the application of the revelation of the information about your situation that will cause transformation.
Spiritual exercise routine :
1-We believe so we speak.
Confess God’s Word about your situation. It will breathe life into it!
2-We believe so we share it.
Evangelize! Be a light in your dark world.
3-We believe so we give.
Tithe! God gave His very best. Why wouldn’t we?
4-We believe so we walk in love.
Don’t be offended! Forgive!Get in church & you will have plenty of opportunities to grow in this area. That’s the case anywhere you get around people. A healthy culture within a church is a safe place to develop your love walk.
We need each other to grow.
We are family. Family needs each other. Don’t forsake the assembling of yourselves together. #bettertogether
If you’re gonna grow up
You gotta show up!
And if you don’t, your life just might blow up! 😜
Romans 12:2
Don’t be CONformed
(Conned by the world)
But transformed (metamorphosis- polywog to bullfrog : u may feel like a caterpillar but God wants to give you wings!)
Transformation happens when your mind is transformed with God’s Word!
Am I eating it?
Am I doing it?
Be an active member - not an inactive. We can usually tell by looking at ya if you are an active member just like at the gym. 😂
Hebrews 6:1-3
You wanta be fit spiritually, you can’t just eat right but also need exercise too...
•••doer of the Word
Unobserved sabbaths accumulate. You WILL take a day off one way or another. You can do it on God’s terms or yours. This is one reason (of course not the only!) why so many die young. If you are burning the candle at both ends you are not as bright as you think you are. You are just headed for a blow up. Pace yourself with weekly time off. Observe the Sabbath. Why do we observe the other 9 commandments but not this one? The other 9 are so obviously sin, but this one sneaks up on us. Culture dictates it’s more honorable to never hard...go, go, go! But God’s Word clearly teaches Rest. Let’s join Chic Fil A and take a stand in our own lives to unplug, unwind, love ourselves so we can love others more effectively by taking time to rest!
Not resting is a sin.
4 tanks that have to be filled:
Rested people are not cranky people.
Matt 9:35
Teaching - Diet
Preaching -Exercise
Healing - Rest
Spiritually speaking and emotionally speaking, being a doer of these scriptural principles could have perhaps the longest lasting change and results in your life you have had in a while.
Taste and see that the Lord is good and that His ways are higher than ours.
The super cool thing about church is you get to do all three of these actually every week.
1 - You get fine dining with amazing spiritual food hopefully if your church is awesome like Harvest Church is 😍
2 - You get an opportunity to give and ally the Word by serving at church along side people who you do life with.
At least that’s the culture of Harvest Church and hope it is where you are too!
3 - And you get rest at least for one service as you receive the Word and have times of refreshing in God’s presence where needs are met supernaturally every single week. This is why we so strongly encourage every volunteer to work one / worship one because it is healthy to not only give but also receive and vice versa.
In order to walk in consistent abundant life enjoying the finer things in life, refer back to these notes often.
Happy Monday!
PS.....I have to mention how amazing last Friday night was. Thank you to everyone in the Mobile area for coming out to the Happy Hour. It was a blast. God met us, encouraged to us, spoke to our hearts. Friendships were kindled, rekindled and enjoyed. It was beautiful to see everyone chatting it up at the after party, laughing and having such a great time! God’s presence and cupcakes were the key ingredients for sure! Love our happy sisterhood! I pray you are part of a vibrant church in your area! Keep spreading the happy and sharing the love!!! Follow me on social media so I can keep you going after the finer things in life! Love, joy, peace, patience....the God life!
@addiecooley @happy_anyway -the gram @happy__anyway -twitter
Register for #happygirl18 in August while the Early Bird is still going. Ends Mother’s Day at midnight! Let’s pack the house! Terri Savelle Foy is going to rock your world! I promise. The best deal going in all of Alabama right now
$40!!!!!! What?!?! Xoxoxox