This morning before school I read Proverbs 14 to our 16 year old because it’s May 14th. Thirty one chapters is perfect for a quick Proverb each day of the month. Goodness the difference it makes in walking in wisdom!
One of our favorite verses today was this... verse 7 “Go from the presence of a foolish man, When you do not perceive in him the lips of knowledge.”
Boom! That is so good. Ever been talking to someone who obviously had a “pleeeeease feel sorry for me” tone in their voice or have you ever been that person? Honestly, if you have a big heart, sort of a sappy personality type especially, you have probably been on both sides of that coin. Maybe you are one of those people who “love hard”. Then you most likely like me have been that person. A while back, I was on the receiving end of such a conversation. I truly could hardly believe my ears. This person was whining so hard at one point, the next minute throwing shade all over someone they “love”. Then negativity spewing everywhere about money, life, and anything I could bring up trying to change the subject. There was no dodging criticism, pity, shame, blame, sickness, or any other negative thing you can think of just about it. I found myself thinking how can I get away from this conversation as fast as possible?! There was no tone of vulnerability or humility but rather a “know it all” type vibe mixed with all this defeated talk. Strange combination. No wonder the Bible says to go away from this type of foolishness. If you stay around that type of conversation it will affect you.
The moment we read this verse this morning this conversation flooded into my mind and the very next thought was....You do not want to be that person to someone else, ever!
{ I want to be clear - It’s ok to not be ok and when you need a friend to get real with, that’s a totally different story but this was not that....critical clarification. }
This verse also relates to teens at school or hanging out with friends when they find themselves in a conversation that heads south. The minute you perceive the lack of knowledge in someone’s mouth by the pointless things coming out of their mouths, just leave. My 16 year old took strength and courage from this verse.
He didn’t say it but I’ll bet the same Holy Spirit that convicted me probably convicted him to also be sure not to be that person, either, with nasty spewing out of his mouth.
So wether you are a teenager or an adult - “Go from the presence of a foolish man when you do not perceive in him the lips of knowledge.” Proverbs 14:7
Once again, words of wisdom from Mom.....the birds of a feather flock together! Flock with birds that fly above all that meaningless, lifeless jibber jabber.
Let’s be iron sharpening iron in our conversation and speak words of life and encouragement to each other.
Another Momism, if you don’t have something good to say, don’t say anything. So much wisdom in that.
Won’t you join me this week in being a doer of Proverbs 14:7?
Happy Monday!
PS......I will say this knowledge and wisdom to you & speak this life over you!!!! GO NOW AND REGISTER FOR #happygirl18 at !!! Early Bird ends tonight at midnight!!! Super easy! Will take you three minutes.....
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Terri Savelle Foy
August 24-25
Harvest Church
Mobile, AL
I really hope you will join us if you can💕 💕💕