We hear so many happy phrases throughout this season...”Merry Christmas,” “Happy Holidays,” “Joy to the world,” “Have yourself a merry little Christmas.”
We all dream of chestnuts roasting on an open fire, sleigh rides in the snow, kisses under the mistletoe, Christmas movies, lots of great food and laughs with family, and 50% off. But what really makes Christmas happy?
Go ahead, say it out loud or pause and think what the answer is for you.
This is probably a little expected but truly what makes Christmas happy is the One it is all about. Think about Jesus and what He means to you. Think about your life without Him.
What if He had not been born in that manger all those years ago? What if that star had not shown the way on that holy night? I shutter to think where I would be without The Saviour. His name is higher than any other name.
Christmas can be happy ANYWAY no matter what is going on in our lives because His name is higher than cancer, financial distress, marriage trouble, a broken heart, loss of any kind, or ____________(you name it). His name is higher! Magnify Him above whatever is bothering you and have a happy Christmas! It's the most wonderful time of the year & can be for you too—no matter what life has thrown your way. Remember the true meaning of Christmas! It's about Our Saviour, Emanuel: God with us!
Happy Christmas!!!