Years ago, I attended Leading and Loving It, where I listened to Mike Foster, author of People of the Second Chance, speak about soul care. It was so good! In Happy ANYWAY, I talk a lot about how not until we find joy and enjoy that joy spiritually, mentally, and physically will we be able to truly be happy anyway—no matter what.
What do you do for soul care daily, weekly, monthly, and annually? For years, Kevin and I have attempted to do the 7-7-7 plan....every 7 days, take a day off; every 7 weeks, take a weekend off as a couple (away if possible); and every 7 months, take a family vacay. This we have used as a guide to be sure to rest enough.
Mike asked us to write down what fills our tank for daily soul care. For me, it is sitting in our living room looking out our huge window that spans the whole room, sipping coffee and reading in the mornings before the hustle and bustle begins. It's calming to me.
Then, he encouraged us to write down what soul care we plan to put into place weekly, monthly, and annually that recharges us.
Won’t you join me in writing your soul care strategy down? As a woman thinks in her heart, so is she. Sometimes, we need to take a minute: step away to get our thinking straight so we can get our life straight.
I plan to love me more...realizing we only love others to the degree that we love ourselves. I plan to take care of my soul, to do things I enjoy, to sharpen the saw, and to be whole (spirit, soul, and body).
I hope you choose to do the same! I hope you will write down your soul care strategy to be carried out daily, weekly, monthly, and annually. Be specific so you will actually do it. Write a comment and let us know when you do it or email me at Let me know how your soul care strategy is going.
Happy Monday, ya'll!