Today's blog is a repeat from the Monday following my Mom's life celebration. This will be my first Mother's Day without her and so far approaching it seems harder than her birthday or Christmas. It just doesn't seem real and it's like another wave of hard lately.
If you have experienced loss in any way that makes Mother's Day hard, my heart goes out to you and I hope this tribute about Mom's beautiful smile can put a smile on your face and inject joy in your heart like it does mine.
Who's smile are you thankful for? Who is depending on your smile like I did Mom's?
These are the words I wrote the day after Mom's funeral and I hope they inspire you, comfort you, and bring you joy today.........She had no idea what a difference she made & is still making in so many lives. Your simple smile could be what helps nudge someone into their calling or be the encouragement someone needs to keep going. Your simple smile could be as life filled as Mom's and be the difference maker for someone.
That smile warmed me when I was unsure, encouraged me when I didn't know which way to go.
That smile lit up every room with love, pierced through tension like a knife, and calmed the raging seas.
Oh how I'll miss that smile!
That smile was rarely ever stressed, never bent out of shape. Just went along with it all with so much grace.
That smile was there to the very end as she gave it with such ease to those who came to say bye or those who sat and cried.
Oh how I already miss that smile!
That smile people say she gave to me. I think I have to agree. I purpose to wear it in her honor and think each time of her so tender and sweet.
Oh how thankful I am for that smile!
Happy Monday! 💔