Do you love you?
Are you frustrated with you?
Do you do what you do to impress everyone else?
Is your drive to succeed out of a true Love for God and about you being your best simply because you want to be and God wants this or that for you?
Do you love you?
Are you plagued by the fear of "I'm not enough" leaving you not believing in yourself?
Do you love you?
Do you spend most of your time talking worse to yourself than you would ever dream of talking to your friend?
Is self compassion self centered?
Is it obeying the most important commandment according to Jesus?
Maybe us being others minded as much as we are told to be is others being selfish who are telling us this?
Maybe loving yourself is the biggest area in life you are missing it.
Maybe people who are kind to themselves and practice loads of self compassion are the happiest people you know because we realize that "As a man thinks in his heart so is he." That verse does not read "As everyone else thinks in their hearts about me, so am I." But if we look at the way we live and make even huge decisions we would perhaps see that we think it says the latter.
Do you love you?
Are you holding on so tightly to your mess up yesterday that you can't reach for your awesome tomorrow or enjoy your today?
If any of these questions move you, check out this full message I just shared yesterday at our church by going to menu
archives to hear Love Yourself Part 2.
Hope you enjoy it!
Hey Register TODAY FOR LAUGH LOVE & LIVE 2017 w our special guest LISA YOUNG! It is going to be a blast! Check it out at for all the details!
Happy Monday!!!