I Have NO Time For You Right Now!
I can have dishes in the sink, children who need baths, paper work to finish, graphics to design, pictures to mail off, and still, if you ask me to do something else, most of the time I say “okay” Why is that? Why add one more thing when I don’t really have time for it?
It’s important to learn who to give attention to and when.
Have you ever been doing really good in your walk with the Lord, praying more and loving it, excited about life and ministry. You are walking with your head high and your heart full of peace and you are HAPPY. Then, out of nowhere, your mind is bombarded with fear and worry. Your body begins to scream and you can’t tell if the pain is coming from your toe or your chest!
Jesus, in Luke 13 was ministering to people, healing the sick, putting religion in it’s place, casting out demons. He knew where he was going and he was walking closely with his Father.
V 31 Just then some Pharisees came up and said, "Run for your life! Herod's on the hunt. He's out to kill you!"
I LOVE what Jesus said! He didn’t say “come on boys lets get out of here!” He didn’t start worrying about the words that just filled his ears. NO he turned and said… v32 "Tell that fox that I've no time for him right now.”
I have no time for you right now. Can you see that Pharisees face? I hope he was dumbfounded! Here he came trying to bring fear and worry, trying to throw Jesus off his game. But no, Jesus just snubbed him and said. "Tell that fox that I've no time for him right now.”
Let’s be like Jesus! Tell that old devil when he comes trying to throw you off, “I have no time for you right now.” And go on speaking the word, spending time with the Lord and walking in victory!
If you have been finding yourself paying to much attention to
circumstances, thoughts and feelings take a moment and say this with me,
“Father, thank you for loving and caring for me. You have provided everything I need for life and godliness. I cast all my cares on you because I know you care for me. I will listen only to your voice and be lead only by your spirit. In Jesus name.”
“Satan, I resist you. I have NO time for you! I choose to be HAPPY!
Tamera Ford and her husband Chuck Ford are the Lead Pastors at Relate Church in Byram, Mississippi. Chuck and Tamera have been pastoring in the same church for 20 years. In 2010, they relaunched their church, starting with a fresh vision and direction. Tamera has served in every role from Children’s Director to Music Minister, marriage counseling to preaching. She is passionate about building the kingdom of God through the local church and encouraging Pastors’ Wives to finish their race strong. She fills her days homeschooling their two children Sydney and Luke and leading the Creative Team of Relate Church. Tamera loves laughing, spontaneous dates with the hubs, coffee with girlfriends, and sharing the life changing power of the word of God.
Twitter: @tammyford10
Facebook: fb.com/tamera1ford