Happy & Available

Happy and Available

Happy and available
Yep that's me!
Beautiful and single
Really? At 33?!
What could be the matter?
I love & I'm free
I give I laugh I cry and I surely can see
That they are almost all taken
At least the decent ones it seems.
Should I keep hoping and dreaming
Or give up and scream?!
Should I get online
Should I move
Should I join another club?
Or should I relax and enjoy this bliss
Until the next kiss
Will I go cray cray
Or just be

Are you single and available but not so much happy? Are you scared or worried or just sick of being alone? Well, you are on my mind and heart. And if you're on my mind, I know you are on God's mind. He has gone ahead of you and provided all you need. I sort of just got an image in my mind of all your needs and desires laying in a pile on your path just around the bend. You are closer than you think, but just not there yet. It's there waiting for you. I felt like He sent me today to just tell you, "Keep walking with your eyes on Him. It's waiting for you at the perfect spot. Your steps are ordered by Him. Your path is getting brighter and brighter til the noon day sun like Prov. says. Just when you are tempted to give up on Mr. Right, keep walking and you will see him right around the corner."

Don't give up. Don't settle. Don't think he is what will
make you happy either. Go ahead and settle in your heart now to be #happyanyway. And before you know it, you will both be happy anyway in each other's arms. I'm believing with you for the right man with the right heart in the right time for you happy and available girls! Just keep becoming the girl of his dreams as God prepares you and trust Him to have you both ready at the perfect time for each other!!! And call me when it happens!! I ❤️ Weddings!