Got just a FEW minutes for me to share something with you that is going to make you do a victory dance?
“Victory dance?!” you may ask. “You have noooooo idea what I’m going through!” Well, live vicariously through me for just a moment while I rejoice with you of what all God did in the hearts of so many at HG19.... If you missed it, we’ve got you. Email us at, and we will let you know how you can get the messages emailed to you. We had such a great time talking about the beautiful messes we find ourselves in. Lisa Young killed it with i ❤️ me ! And then...The Handles of Hurt. Boom! Life changing!
The labs were 🔥🔥🔥 as we heard truth bombs about how we can have happy hearts, time, and money! And most of all, we just showed up and were present with our happy sisterhood. 💕
Can’t wait to share with you some of the amazing stories we heard of how God did deep work in hearts and helped women find their happy.
So let’s all together do a victory dance in honor of each other and what all God is perfecting in our lives even right now! It may look like a mess right now still for some of us, but there is beauty for ashes God wants to give us! Let’s trust Him in the storm and keep dancing by faith!
Can I get a Hallelujah?! Somebody shout!!!!
I’m cheering you on! And I’d like to ask you to cheer me on as I dance all the way to Books A Million, Barnes and Noble, & bookstores all over the country to the glory of God spreading the HAPPY and sharing the LOVE with my new book Love ANYWAY that drops April 21, 2020! It is being published by Harrison House Publishing Company, and I’m so honored and blown away by this!
Check out the little video about it and please, please save and share this video. If you can’t figure out how, email us, and we will send it to you in a different format if needed so you can help us spread the happy and share the love!
Happy Monday!
OOPS on the two emails today....the first one wasn’t quite right so we had to resend. When you goof this week, just think about this email & let yourself off the hook by saying, “Oh well, happy ANYWAY!”
The secret to a happy, fulfilled life has been scientifically proven to be love. If you've ever loved and not received love back; if you've ever been in a messy relationship, this book is for you! God loves us ANYWAY, and we are called to love each other ANYWAY, which includes loving ourselves. Love ANYWAY will be published by Harrison House Publishers and releases April 21, 2020 in bookstores near you.
While the book won't be available until the release date, consider joining Adrienne for an amazing 8 lesson Love ANYWAY course that will be coming soon! Click here to buy this happy (: