There are two scriptures that I've heard all my life and have somehow not really ever put together, even though they are back to back. I've graduated from three Bible schools, lived on the mission field for five years, and been a pastor's wife for some time now. I guess I just never put two and two together with these verses.
Verse 6 tells us to stir up the gift of God on the inside of us.
Verse 7 says that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind.
A few years back, I attended C3global Girls’ Trip with Lisa Young, and it was there that I stirred the gift of God inside me and have since no longer been afraid of anything. I am so in LOVE with Jesus, trusting in His POWER. My mind has been MORE SOUND than in years. Sound mind in that passage means disciplined thinking patterns. Can I be real and raw with you? My thinking patterns have not always been the most disciplined.
I have not been the same person since that trip. I am no longer afraid of what people think of me, if this or that will work out, or if my life will be a success. Fear is GONE! Power to live, really live, is part of my everyday life now. Love flows out of my heart because the gift inside me is ignited to serve others and to make my life really about others. Though I'm working harder than I have since I was in my 20s, I'm hardly working because my mind is sound again, my love is full, His power is acknowledged daily. I promise, when you stop looking back and only look ahead, knowing where you are going, nothing/nobody can stop you.
I beseech ye therefore sisterhood....(Bible talk for I double dog dare ya) TO STIR UP THE GIFT INSIDE YOU and when you do, email me at and share your story with me! Who knows?! Maybe-just maybe together we could help others be happy and never afraid, too!