“Beyond all these things put on and wrap yourselves in [unselfish] love, which is the perfect bond of unity [for everything is bound together in agreement when each one seeks the best for others]. Let the peace of Christ [the inner calm of one who walks daily with Him] be the controlling factor in your hearts [deciding and settling questions that arise]. To this peace indeed you were called as members in one body [of believers]. And be thankful [to God always]. Let the [spoken] word of Christ have its home within you [dwelling in your heart and mind--permeating every aspect of your being] as you teach [spiritual things] and admonish and train one another with all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Whatever you do [no matter what it is] in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus [and in dependence on Him], giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”
Last night I was about to go to bed when I got this beautiful prayer from Pam Watts who goes to our church. It was very encouraging and I thought, “Ok Lord, what are you speaking to me through this?” I went to sleep and woke up to another text of scripture from Andrea Vickers, another lady in our church who walks closely with God. So then I was like, “OK God, what are you saying to me?”
Then half asleep I threw on my robe, went to the next room to be sure Garrison was up getting ready for school, went downstairs to turn on the oven and coffee maker, slapped some butter, cinnamon, and sugar on two end pieces of toast that were left and Waaaalaaaa! Cinnamon Toast Yay! Me....off to a good start for the week with a “hot breakfast”! 😂
So then as is my routine, G was off to school coffee and cinnamon toast in hand and now time to be sure the college boy is up and stirring which he was. So fed and watered him too and off he went. Then to my chair I go as I do every morning... Coffee, Bible, phone. I decided to dig in to the prayer and scripture Pam and Andrea had sent me as I think about this morning’s blog. As soon as I read them both the Holy Spirit quickened in my spirit to share them today. I believe the scripture and prayer will impact each one as God sees fit but also in tandom with each other and the verse above that God gave me about the whole thing.
Pam’s text was as follows that I got last night night :
Hey girl, I know it's late but I just got done documenting a prayer and for some reason God moves me to share it with you! Love you!
Prayer for 3/11/2018
Father I pray for your presence to dwell with me not only when I pray to you, or praise you; but in my every thought I want your guidance, your words whispered in my ears and in my soul. I yearn to feel you in every breath I take. My life was so dark without you and now that your light has been lit I want it to burn bright and true for you. I pray that whatever gifts you equip me with; I use for your good, to glorify your name. I pray you change what is displeasing in me, open my eyes to see your teachings and take your instructions to move forward with where you want to take me. Father, I pray my story touches the lives of others and helps them experience your love to the level you have shown me. I dedicate my life as your vessel, in whatever capacity you need Father. I am eager and ready to proclaim you are Lord, that your Son died on the cross for all our sins, rose on the third day, and gave us the gift of deliverance. Your sacrifice can never be repaid Father; your love is immeasurable! I pray that my life is pleasing unto you for the remainder of my days. I pray when I join you in Heaven that you will be able to smile with such joy in saying well done my good and faithful servant.
Andrea’s text this morning :
Dont know who you are going to be talking to or what you are talking about today, but this scripture has me lit up so just sharing... Isaiah 51:16 “God has put His words in your mouth and covered you with the shadow of His hand that He may plant the heavens, lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion , you are my people. Happy Monday!”
So, what struck me is that here are two people in our church encouraging me which I am so thankful for and there are no doubt dozens of other texts and phone calls of prayers, scriptures and encouragement going out throughout our church, throughout your church, throughout The Church and we are all bound together by love that cannot fail! What would happen if we all “upped” our text content to be more like Andrea’s text and Pam’s text? What would our lives be like if our phone calls were peppered with more peace? What would our relationships look like if love was our language and kindness was our accent as Steve Kelly writes about in the book Accent of Leadership? Divisions and offenses would cease. Heart break and relational pain would be no more.
People would stay at churches, in marriages, and connected to friends instead of leave mad, give up too soon and exit lives like relationships are disposable. I am so thankful to see across our church not only numeric growth but also such spiritual growth! Testimonies are popping like popcorn of lives being changed and it’s just so amazing to get to be a part of such a family of believers where Love is King!
Let this prayer be our prayer and let this scripture be our guide for what we say. Let love bind us together today like never before and let that bond help us love ANYWAY!!
Happy Monday!
God is Love is Happy!
Mark your calendars:
{ Intl Day of Happiness }
March 20th Social Media Challenge to win a ticket for you and a a girlfriend to come to Happy Girl 18! Just post a picture on Instagram on March 20th of what makes you happy and tag #happygirl18 & #GodisLoveisHappy We will pick our favorite post and DM the winner!
{ Love ANYWAY Small Groups }
———Face to Face Group Wednesday nights Harvest Church Mobile AL
——— Facebook Live at 8:05 Monday nights starting next Monday March 19th
{ Spring Event }
Happy Hour
May 4th 7-8pm
Harvest Church Mobile, AL
{ Happy Girl 18 }
still open for a little bit longer!
August 24-25
happyanyway.org for details