Love is...

Not always returned 

Though that may be the case it’s tough enough to endure. 


Not always valued

But whether the value is recognized or not, its worth is beyond rubies regardless. 


Not always received  

When this is the case just know it is better to give than receive. 


Always courageous  

Love leaves it all on the field with the vast possibility of rejection. And even after rejection, love stands back up and puts it on the line again. 


Always going to think the best of the other

Love is not easily offended and never assigns ill motives to a person or presumes to mind-read. Love is not suspicious or a know-it-all. 


Strong enough to weather the storm

Forgiveness is love’s strength. Love digs deep and throws buckets full of mercy out while hurt might toss a teaspoon of forgiveness out mixed with resentful fear. 


“Perfect love casts out fear.” 

“While we were yet sinners Christ died for us.”

“When you stand praying, forgive...”

Those three verses are amazing

Go-To’s when your love is challenged! 


Here’s the HOW.........

The fruit of the spirit is Love and out of love flows joy, peace, patience, goodness, gentleness, kindness, faithfulness, and self control. 

The fruit of the spirit is a list of the character and personality of God. Do those atttubutes describe your personality? 👆👆👆  

Pick the fruit above that does describe you? As for the ones that don’t, do a Bible study around those until that fruit begins to grow in your life. For example if you are not at peace, look up every verse about peace and let the Word dwell in your heart richly as scripture says. Make note cards to put on your mirror with peace scriptures. Put another verse on a card in your purse. Place one in your desk drawer at work. Tape one to the inside cabinet in the kitchen. Surround yourself with the fruit you need. You will begin to notice the anxiety vanish and the peace of God which passes understanding (that makes no sense to even have at a time like this) will begin to guard your heart from pain, hurt, and anguish. 

Happy Monday!  


•••••Join me beginning next week on social media as I pilot loveANYWAY in a small group at our church. I will hop on Facebook live and The Grahm each week if you want to join in the convo! I’m super excited to be launching my second devotional and am trusting God it will be real help to many like it already has been to me. Who doesn’t need a little encouragement to #loveANYWAY from time to time right?! Who do you need to love ANYWAY in your life? This study just might help us be able to do that a little bit more like Christ would have us to. Aso be on the look out and plan to join us to celebrate The International Day of Happiness in March this Spring with our happy sisterhood!   

>>>>>> Follow us on Facebook Instagram and Twitter to keep up with all that is going on and to stay encouraged to keep killin it out there!