Is that a true statement in your estimation? Wether it is or not, according to Jesus you ARE winning.
Scripture tells us in numurous places that this is a true statement. The fact is, we have a choice to believe it or not. The way we act will depend on what we choose to believe. Winning attitude or losing attitude? Which will it be? You get to decide.
Just a few verses that come to mind are "You are the head and not the tail. Above and not beneath."
"You are more than a conquerer through Christ who strengthens you."
"It is finished!"
"He who has begun a good work in you is faithful to complete it."
We could go on and on. I'm sure you may be thinking of a few other verses that echo that YOU ARE WINNING.
We all have things going on in our lives that may illude to a scoreboard not in our favor. But nobody keeps a better score than Jesus and according to His scorebook YOU ARE WINNING.
This is how the Holy Spirit related it to me. In my heart I heard this whisper... How would you act if you were on a sports team who just won the area game and are headed to State Playoffs? Very differently than had you just lost your area game! One team would show up to practice ready to grind expecting to keep winning. The other team would MAYBE show up to practice at all and if they do, dragging and thinking "What's the point?!" We should be acting like we would if we were on a winning team because we are!! We even get to see the end of the story and we clearly win! So in the down "part of the game" keep your head up and your eye on the prize knowing that you are winning!!
In the thick and in the thin, in the good times and the bad, those with a winning attitude will stick with it. Be that person in your personal life, at work, and at church. Be a person of faith. Someone else needs you to be. Don't give up so easy and go off to some other relationship or church or job. The grass is greener where you water it! If you don't feel like you are winning, that's the time to dig in deeper, not leave with a losing attitude that is hurtful to you and all those around you. When you by faith stay committed to your family, the team, or your friends, that's a life of faith. Faith doesn't look at the circumstances but believes God's Word that you are winning even when the scoreboard doesn't look like it. Faith works by love and love doesn't leave. Love works it out. Love believes the best. Love WINS!
You are winning when you love by faith and walk in faith by the power of love! You got this!!! You are winning!!!
Happy Monday!
God is Love is Happy
P.S. Have you registered you and five friends yet for Happy Girl 18?!?! If not, do it today! It's going to be amazing and every day you wait the price only goes up from here! It's still at a grrrrreat price so hurry over to and register today!