I heard someone say the other day that the 3 things we need most are happiness, freedom, and peace. If you think about it on days like today, those are the three things we find ourselves yearning for. It's the goal behind all the Labor Day plans that have been made, the hotel rooms booked and the boat fuel purchased. Or if you are doing what I am doing today...as little as possible at home. Whatever your Labor Day looks like, if you are off work, I'ld venture to say your top priorities are peace "away from it all" and freedom from responsibility that result in a happy time with people you love.
Something I have recently learned is that these are legit needs and not just wants. And that either way, God said in His Word that if we will seek Him first then all these things will be added to us in Matt. 6:33. That includes both needs and desires. So I want you to be encouraged today that God loves you so much that He wants even these emotional needs met for you. Place a demand of faith on these things. Jesus died on the cross for this just as much as for our eternal salvation. The Bible tells us that the chastisement (aggravation) of our peace was upon Him so that we don't have to fall prey to situations that try to aggravate and steal our peace.
Jesus came that we could be made free from sin, sickness and death. That includes mental sickness along with physical sickness. This is so important to note because scripture also tells us that as we think so are we. Let's walk in that freedom He provided for us! Why would we have a gift from someone and neglect to use that gift when we need it? Freedom is ours. I'm learning this even when it comes to my calendar. When my happiness is under attack more than any other time is when I feel trapped by my schedule that seems impossible and the busyness throws peace out the window. But what I'm also learning is I was giving my freedom away. Don't do that. It's your life. Do what God has called you to do. Not what everyone else wants you to do. I think I will reread those last few sentences about a dozen times! LOL
Challenge: For the rest of this day and week, be where your feet are and where ever you go, be where you choose to be.
This is the number one theif of my happiness, freedom, and peace. So you pray for me to complete this challenge and I will pray for you!
Let's do this to help us conquer this:
Write down each day:
One thing that made you happy yesterday
One thing that stole your freedom or that you did to protect your freedom
One moment of peace yesterday that you are most thankful for
Happy Monday! Happy Labor Day!
If you enjoy these blogs please share them on Facebook, Instagram, & twitter and also please join us for this year's Laugh Love & Live Conference 2017! Sept 22-23rd in beautiful Orange Beach, AL at the newly renovated Island House Hotel a Doubletree by Hilton right on the white sandy beaches.
Details at happyanyway.org
Hope you will join the happy Sisterhood for our giant slumber party at the beach this month! Xo