When it all began ❤️😍💃

A memory from Facebook that popped up and sparked this blog 😍 

A memory from Facebook that popped up and sparked this blog 😍 

Three years later, you can still never have too much happy! People come and go. People cheer you on, leave your life, help you accomplish the call to help women find their happy. Give toward the vision selflessly. You fight for your own Happy when death knocks on the door of your heart in the form of cancer to take your mom's life. But happylady is on my car tag, Happy is painted on the wall of my office floor to ceiling, My grandmother nickname is decided {YEARS in advance!} - Happy T shirts, ball caps, tube socks, jewelry, books, and stages have been plastered with this word. 😊


But sometimes I don't think people understand. There is as much power in the word ANYWAY as in the word happy. If you have read my book you know this. If you have my book, look at the cover. ANYWAY is in all caps for a reason. Google Mother Teresa's Happy Anyway poem. It's really all about the ANYWAY! Some have gotten tired of the "happy message" but that's only because they don't understand. God is love. Love is happy. And if you want to be happy, love is the key because God is the key to our happiness. Though you might try to be religious and tell me how that's not what life is all about, it's proven that it's what we are all after. Call it peace, joy, fulfillment. Call it what you want. You want to be happy! And stop believing the lie that there is something wrong with that. The Bible tells us that God DOES care about your happiness and if you don't believe it read my book and find the scripture in there to back it up. Religious critics of the word simply don't know the meaning- One definition of happy is enjoying joy. What good is joy if you're not going to enjoy it, right, and be happy! 




Good news to share --- my next book is coming soon. #loveANYWAY


Focus on the Family says that the most profound theological phrase ever was that one - love ANYWAY ! I would have to agree. Now..... we are getting to what it is all about that we can agree on. 😜 You see according to Luke there is no credit to love those who love you....the love of Christ inside of you gives you the power to not only love because...... but to love ANYWAY! Is there anyone you need help loving ANYWAY? Yep, I thought so! We all do!!! And that is where our happy gets lost all too often. That is what this weekend is going to be allllll about. If you are not registered for Laugh Love & Live 2017 please go to and REGISTER TODAY! You want to be that happy girl you once were or you keep trying to be, this weekend just might be exactly the kick start you need!!!


This memory that popped up from three years ago on FB when these cute tees first came in was the beginning of allllll this happy. Thank you God for all the hundreds of women that YOU have restored joy to as a result of helping me not give up, not end it all when I was so close to doing just that and in such a bad place. God is a miracle worker and what the devil meant for evil, let him turn around for good in you and then take it to hundreds. Let's keep spreading the happy like #nutella all over the world! 😂❤️😎👠#happygirl17 #loveANYWAYbook #coming2018 #LLL17
