Do things bug you easily? Get on your nerves? One good thing about my personality that I have always been thankful for is that things do not get on my nerves easily. I think that is the one "laid back trait" I did get from my sweet mother. Kevin calls me Mother Theresa. The Strengths Finder book tells me Restorative is my top strength which I think gives me that patience needed to keep thinking the best and work with people looking past their obvious (to everyone else) actions that are beyond restoration without miraculous intervention.
With this said, however, the one exception is when I'm misrepresented. I have zero tolerance for this. It must hit some nerve I need more therapy for. 😜 If I were a betting girl which I am not...I'ld bet you don't just love to be misrepresented either. It's something that we all face. You said one thing or did this and some ill willed person disquised as a well-meaning person twists what happened or what was said to cast you in a bad light. Ever happened? Of course it has --- To ones of us in leadership it happens All. The. Time. Sometimes it is devastating, other times comical because it's so rediculous. Every time, it's an opportunity to get either ticked off or love ANYWAY!
The Bible talks about busy bodies, gossips who are pros at misreprenting others. They sow dissension and strife. Seperate from these people. They are wolves in sheep's clothing. But do not allow your heart to become bitter. The solution can look many different ways: restoration, a hard conversation, distance, or complete seperation. The solution depends on the humility in both parties' hearts. No matter what the solution is that's right for your situation, know this- like scripture tells us we are not alone. This is common to us all and God will provide a way out. That way out will always involve loving ANYWAY!
{Pray this....Dear Heavenly Father, Please expose the truth in this situation and please grant favor like a shield for me. Thank you God, that you said in your Word that you are my rear guard and that every tongue that rises against me I shall condemn. So I condemn every word spoken misrepresenting the truth of who I am. I pray for those who curse me that you will bless them. Now I trust in you who has always been faithful to set the record straight. I purpose to guard my heart with love that never fails for out of it come the issues of life. I look forward to and fully expect Your love in me winning in this situation because all I do because of You is win, win, win!!!!
Happy Monday!