"Hoppy Easter!" my silly husband keeps saying.
Got to thinking about what a great blog that would be for this week.....
Have you ever heard someone say, "Things are HOPPING!" ? It means things are going well. There's a buzz. Lots of people involved. Movin and groovin.
Today in the office, I was thinking just that! Man things were hopping. Major tasks were getting checked off and accomplished left and right. Our church offices were filled with seventeen people zooming about, typing away, creating things, solving problems, planning ahead, maintaining systems, thinking forward, evaluating processes, dreaming of how to make this weekend the best Easter yet at our church. We were laughing, working together, and just absolutely HOPPING! It was a good day!! One actually came in the door singing. Another greeted someone who stopped in to ask the times of the services this weekend with a gigantic enthusiastic smile and warm welcome. Our assistant told me the phone rang off the hook all day!
I'ld say that describes Easter quite well. Jesus hopped right up out of that grave and defeated hell, sickness and poverty! He hopped right over every obstacle we will ever face so that now by using His name we can overcome no matter what we come up against. Are you hopping over your obstacles in life or are they squashing you? Maybe you feel like it's been the midnight hour. Trust me when I say I understand! But also let me testify. Today in a ten minute span I was overcome by so many testimonies I could hardly stand it! Major financial blessings MAJOR! ...for the land project we are doing for ministry in India, free stuff given to someone unexpected, a life being completely rearranged, someone else rejoicing over something working out that hasn't been working for years. So if you feel like you've been in a grave, the stone has been rolled away so hop on out and let's all have a Hoppy Easter!!!!