Did you know "happy" is a verb? Well today it is..... How do you happy?
Some people happy by reading or playing a sport or doing yoga. Others meditate or spend time with friends and family or paddle board (one of my favorite ways to happy).
Today I want to call you to action regarding your happiness. I got called to action regarding mine this weekend. You know those days or weeks or sometimes months that are challenging beyond challenging? I'm sure you have no point of reference for this at all right?! LOL! We all do. Well I've just come out of such a season and my husband has been saying all year so far over and over "This is the year of the upgrade!" He has talked about how "This is going to be a Hallmark year, a year of happy endings and a year of God fixing stuff that's broken."
Well it's only March and I was already running out of steam thinking this has so far not exactly described my year.
What is up? I knew what he was saying was resonating in my heart but I wasn't seeing it with my eyes.
This weekend he preached a most amazing sermon along these lines that jerked me out of a funk that I was headed toward head first. Literally head first. You know....we all do it -- we get our heads in the wrong place. One thing I love about watching my boys play soccer over the years is watching them work hard and perform with superior athleticism as do their super talented team mates. Then something happens. These guys go from moves you would see in the premier league to just sort of getting into a funk mentally. When that happens no amount of athleticism can dig them out for a victory. Parents and fans sit on the sidelines paralyzed knowing if they don't get it together mentally it's over. But man when all eleven on the field are jiving and thriving with the right mindset, those fundamental skills they all have developed from hours upon hours of dedicated training come to bare and they kill it! Winning at that point is just a given. When they are on mentally they are unstoppable. Those are some of the most fun times in life....oh that thrill of winning is enjoyed by all, players and fans alike.
You and I have skill sets. We have abilities God has given us and this weekend I realized from my husband's message (at harvestmobile.com by the way if you want to get fired up 🔥🙌) just how important it is to keep my head in the game! And just how easy it is to do that when we "see the field" as they say in soccer. Do you have good vision to really see the whole field ---- to see what's going on around you in the way God sees it.
The only way to see clearly is through the eyes of faith. That's how to keep our head in the game...to see that this "awful situation" is so tiny compared to God's power and His will to always deliver you in one way or another. If we could lift up our eyes and see our situations the way He does we would worry a WHOLE LOT LESS & not fall into our "funks" we all get into that manifest differently for each of us and keep us from our victory!!! If we could just see that the last play where we "lost the ball" is over and move on to the next play with fresh optimism, hope, and faith in God that we have what it takes to push us over!
The next time you feel like you've been giving it your all, coming up short or things just are not working remember with God all things are possible. Remember, He is the God who sees ahead and provides. He has made us to be kings and priests in this life so start living like the winner He has made you to be! Stop seeing yourself as a loser, a whiner, a less than, an almost, a ________ fill in the blank with how you see yourself. Start seeing yourself as a winner! Guess what, you will WIN!
How do you happy? Yes you can go do fun things to take action in your happiness and those things help but nothing helps more than resetting your faith to just simply know and see that Yes you can! And Yes you will win in this situation. God has your back. If He is for you it doesn't matter who's against you! With that mindset you are going to go out there this week and kill it!
And hey, a week from today is International Day of Happiness. I want our #happysisterhood to celebrate in some way! In Mobile AL at Harvest Church we are doing a Happy Sisterhood Meet Up and it's going to be awesome! March 20th! Watch on social media how you can be part of it through Facebook Live or if you would like to have a Happy Sisterhood Meet Up in your area email us at hello@happyanyway.org and we would LOVE for you to join us on March 20th 6:30pm wherever you are to help us celebrate the Intl Day of Happiness and help us spread the happy that is found only in Jesus!
Hooe to connect with you a week from today!
Happy Monday! 😍😘