Ya live & learn!

Ya win some and ya lose some. Ya live and ya learn.  Have ya noticed the ones who stick around through the ups and downs?  


Not sure about where you are on life's journey....in an up or a down, in a living or a learning season. But I look back and see lots of amazing people who stayed around for all my "learning" and see lots of empty seats in the ride of my life from those who said, "No thanks! I'm out."  

There are "Ride or Die" people in life and there are those you think are. That's when the ride gets tricky. That's when love becomes this abstract slippery thing that you aren't sure how to handle. That's when forgiveness is needed both for receiving and offering to those in need of it.  

At the end of the day, just remember ya live and learn, ya win some and ya lose some. The key is to not be moved as ya go along. Stand firm. Stand strong. People come. People go. It's called free will. It's called.....well I erased what else it is called. It's called all kinds of stuff. Whatever it is called, Jesus was the same yesterday, today, and forever. We are called Christians so it is Christ-like to be the same in ever changing conditions. Just hold it, it will change back many times.

Oh if we could just rejoice in the wins & learn from the losses. Embrace the learning and enjoy the really living. If we could make this a reality, we can be like a tree planted by the water and not be moved. 


We sang a beautiful song at church yesterday and one of the lyrics said "That I would know His presence & see His beauty." When we know His presence in our lives we see God's beauty all around in the midst of the storm blowing through. It's so true, life is brutiful. Look for the beauty in the brutal. 


I pray that in whatever season you are in that you will relax and realize like I am attempting to do as well that we win some and we lose some. I'm not an expert on this and am learning this as I type. We live and we learn. Those who want to give us a break as we are doing our very utmost for His highest giving those around us breaks too, awesome! And for those who don't, it's fine. I pray that as you live & learn, God will hold you firm and you will keep advancing in Him by His might. I pray that the beauty of learning to love ANYWAY will mark your life and mine.

Happy Monday!