The weight is too heavy because you were never meant to carry it.
Throw the whole weight of your anxieties onto Him! For you are His personal concern! 1 Peter 5:7
What are you carrying around that you were never meant to carry? The reason we tremble under major emotional pain is because He bore our pain so that we don't have to. We were never meant to bear it. In our darkest moments we can look to His Word and immediately light fills our darkness. His peace that passes understanding floods in. Peace that makes no sense for us to have as we are going through such horrific situations. When we invite God into our stuff, he turns our mourning into actual laughter. What?!
Many times I think we need to just give ourselves permission to do like scripture says and have a throw-down party right in the midst of our enemy's camp! Almost double dog daring the enemy to do anything about it. Faith drops the burdens down expecting in faith for God to deal with them.
Let go and let God! It's so cliche but it's so simply what we must do. Our carrying stuff we are not suppose to be carrying might be the only reason we are not experiencing the victory God has for us! We must first put down what is not ours in order to pick up what is ours to carry!
Want to succeed and be all you are called to be? Drop those weights that so easily trip you up and watch how much more ground you can cover free as a bird!
So what!!!... that it's heavy! It's not your load to carry anyway! Pile it on! Jesus can handle it.
And now that it's on His shoulders and not yours........
Happy Monday ANYWAY!!!