It has been said "A secret of happiness is freedom and a secret of freedom is courage." As I think of these words I picture men and women on the battlefield courageously giving their lives for my freedom. I wonder how happy they were in those dreadful moments. Some would argue that happiness was the last thing on their minds. I beg to differ. It is one of the three things they are fighting to protect. It is stated to be so in America's Declaration of Independence...
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence. The phrase gives three examples of the "unalienable rights" which the Declaration says has been given to all human beings by their Creator, and for which governments are created to protect.
Those men and women on the front lines perhaps understand more than any of us just how much freedom is TRUELY a secret to happiness. Furthermore they embody the courage to fight for that freedom. Thank God for each and every one of them.
This translates to every freedom we fight for even in our day to day lives. Freedom from being ruled by our emotions, wrong thought patterns, by others' opinions or by addiction. The list goes on and on of things that we must be free from in order to enjoy our joy and be happy. That same list takes massive amounts of courage to walk away from...maybe an unhealthy relationship that holds you in bondage or breaking free from that addiction to protect your freedom and therefore happiness. Fill in the blank. What freedom are you fighting for right now? You can do it! Be courageous. Break free. Be happy. In that order. Look up verses from Scripture about courage and freedom and take hold of them.
I hope this Independence Day is one that marks a day you choose to walk free with great courage from whatever binds you and that you have the happiest 4th ever because of it!
Happy Monday! Happy 4th!