Livin the high life!

This past weekend we did just that didn't we girls?! If you weren't able to join us this year for our first Laugh Love and Live Conference, I wanted to just share with you a few highlights. If you were able to be there, you will, like me, love reminiscing about the defining words from God we received.  

Living the high life, we learned is living from a higher position, praying from a higher place and that higher place is a place called the spirit. Living in the spirit is living in the place where we are seated with Christ in heavenly places...seated with Him ~ not running around like a chicken with our heads cut off stressing about everything. I've had to retrain people to expect something different from me. I used to live stressed but I found myself recently saying to someone, "Stop expecting me to be stressed because I truly am not. Don't deal with me like you would a stressed person. Don't expect me to be stressed or wonder why I am not. I am trusting God." You can't trust God and be stressed at the same time. Did you know that? The Bible says Happy people trust in the Lord. Isn't it true?! We don't have to live crying, stressed and dying inside! We can live laughing, loving and REALLY living! It is possible and it is our choice. 


This weekend was likened unto a tired lost woman with the wrong shopping shoes on finding her way to the "You are here sign" trying to figure out where to go from here at a large unfamiliar shopping mall. We sometimes find ourselves wondering through the mall of life and this weekend many wondered to the beach (you are here sign) with hurting feet (or hearts) looking for the perfect something we needed and I believe we found it. If you weren't there, I pray this blog can serve as a step toward finding what you want out of life and what you desire to give through your life. Make a decision to do THAT! Such a huge key is just that----a decided heart.

Here are a few keys we learned about living the high life:

When you get punched, GET UP and when you do, come up swinging! Punch back!!!!!

Guard your heart with all diligence because our hearts are our future factories and with a broken heart we have a broken future. Broken heart yields broken dreams, peace, love, joy and ultimately a broken life.


When your feelings call you up, HANG UP ON THEM!  

When we are thrown in the fire but we don't give up, we can come through death itself and not smell like  it at all. We can go through cancer or ALS or divorce or abuse and not smell like it at all! We can overcome and rise above all kinds of crisis in Christ. 

Our living the high life is connected to us knowing whose daughter we are! Our Daddy is the king of all kings! If we really honored who He is we would honor eachother more and ourselves more and we would realize just how much of the high life we could be living. Stop living the low life of crying, complaining, stressing, worrying, and dying inside! Let's laugh, love and live like never before!

Hope you had a Happy Monday!