Cuties from this weekend!
This weekend in Pittsburgh has been a blast!!! Girls you were absolutely amazing 😍 Loved every single minute. So we had a Q & A with lots of great questions but this question is one I am not sure I have addressed in the blog before so thought I would post it today.
These 2 boys have my ❤️
Here was my answer.....
I let a lot more go now than I used to. I'm not compelled to give so many lectures.
A "happy ANYWAY Mom" is a much better Mom. Just ask my boys! Of course some lectures are still needed and sometimes I still lose my cool but way less often. {{ Even now when I do, I catch myself thinking "Ok is this really the big deal I think it is or is it something that can be unemotionally handled without a big fuss? }}
Also, a big adjustment I've made has been that I no longer parent to please other parents. I parent to please God. I don't get on to my kids just because some other opinionated perfect parent thinks I should or I think they think I should. See how confusing that is even when you read that. It's much simpler to parent out of fear of God rather than fear of man and for other people's approval. Do what's in YOUR heart to do as a parent and your results wil be awesome. I sure love the results I'm getting. My boys are not perfect and who knows what the future holds for any of us but man they sure are a lot of fun to be around. They love God, each other and us. They have amazing friends who we adore and it's just such a joy for the whole family to be a "happy ANYWAY kind of family" where mercy flows and grace abounds. Rules are in place but they even flow out of relationship. You see, it all goes back to what Harvard proved which confirms scripture... The secret to a happy life including having happy kids is love. God is love and keeping THAT relationship right keeps all of our other relationships in tact.
Champion Life Church, you were so much fun! Love each one of you and keep in touch on FB Twitter and Instagram!!! X😘 @addiecooley
Bride and Prejudice PJ Party 🎉
Happy Monday y'all !!