You know that room mom that may be at the school as much as your 3rd grader? Or the one who is at the church "every time the doors are open" day or night it seems. How about the friend who is working on preschool crafts from home, counseling people on the phone constantly, and cooking for every sick person in the community?
Oh is that you?! One or three of the afore mentioned descriptions may or may not have described me to a tee once upon a time. Then I went to a conference and heard Joyce Myer talk about how she was not the typical mother who did all of that but had to come to realize that she was still a good mother but with a different calling. We are all different and have different callings. Thank God for the season in my life that I did all of that. I loved it and wouldn't trade those fun times for anything. But it was actually harder for me not to do it than to do it. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Guess what? Some people are called to do all that stuff. I believe I was following God to do that when I did, or at least some of it. lol
Here's the deal...
Some of us are "Mary's" and others of us are "Martha's". Both necessary. In my book "Happy ANYWAY" , there is a section in each chapter called Mary and Martha Moment that is sure to give you a chuckle or two with advise for the Martha's and Mary's of the world. You will notice that the advise in these are pretty much opposite depending on which one you are.
Many of us need to be inspired to think of others more and do more for humanity while the others of us need to be persuaded to help less and take care of ourselves a little more.
The photo in the far upper right in the pic above is of a young couple leading our Saturate student team we lovingly refer to as Ken and Barbie. 😍This couple is an example of people who have healthy boundaries and are not ones to over commit but also ones who hear from God and serve wherever God leads in our church. They are the real deal. Since they have come on board, the structure has been built and the teenagers and twenty somethings have begun to share in the vision God has given them for this area of our church. People are rallying around the vision and young people are being helped. I am so proud of this couple and respect the way they have been "reluctant leaders". I've always been taught those are the best ones, not over confident or full of themselves but genuinely hearts to serve and follow God. I equally respect what they can do and what they can't do due to work and family commitments.
I would like to ask you, "Is that how people would describe you? Do people say that you swear to your own hurt and change not? Do they say of you, "She is dependable. If she says she will be there, she will be there with bells on!"
Who and where are you suposed to be happy to help? Are you being obedient to the heavenly vision? Where are you helping that God didn't tell you to? What did you stop doing that God never said to stop? It isn't always easy or convenient to obey God but His grace is sufficient. There is joy in the call and satisfaction in fulfilling it.
When we have healthy boundaries along with a huge heart to give and serve, we will surely be happy to help!
For more help on being happy to help, get Happy ANYWAY and there is an entire chapter on it. It is available on Amazon and
Thank you for reading today's blog. Please share it if you liked it and tag someone if they need this:)
Happy Monday!