"You know that moment when you are so scared, you laugh?" said someone to me recently.
Honestly, I wasn't sure I did. But then after thinking about it, I think what she was saying was that sometimes emotions get so high, you're not sure if you should scream, laugh, or cry.
She was referring to just a simple little silly situation. I think if I remember right, she was rocking in a rocking chair and almost flipped backwards. But funny thing, you can sort of get so emotionally unhealthy when it comes to serious problems in life that you hardly know if you are coming or going. If you can't relate, you probably know someone who can.
What to do in times like this? Wether it's that you are about to flip out of a rocking chair or your child is struggling in some way, or someone you care about is going wacko on you, or your job is harder than ever, or you wish you had a job or...whatever isn't right in your universe...
...Just laugh!
Here's the deal. We are probably all facing something difficult right now as we read (or in my case, type) this blog! We are all the same. Stuff happens as our friend, Forest Gump so eloquently stated!! And when it does, we have 2 options:
1- to be afraid
2- to laugh
Number 2 is basically code for TRUST GOD! Trust that he's for you. The Lord emphatically has spoken to my husband and I and said this:
Those who are for you cannot leave. Those who are against you cannot stay. #Boomshakalaka That is great news. And it applies to you too! Nobody can stop you from completing God's assignment He has for you. No force in hell is strong enough to keep you from your promotion you deserve or stop you from reaching your potential. The only person strong enough is YOU & ME! We will determine our destiny and just as importantly, our here and now by our choice to fear or laugh. Trust me, it's so much more fun to laugh. So do like I've done lately, find you some blonde friends to hang out with and JUST LAUGH!
Proverbs 31:25 "...she laughs without fear of the future." NLT
Happy Monday!