Learn to be content in every situation…
Yeah, I know you've heard it before, but here goes.
"I have experienced times of need and times of abundance. In any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of contentment, whether I go satisfied or hungry, have plenty or nothing, I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me" (Phil. 4:12-13) We quote that verse a lot, but something God showed me recently is that Paul is also saying that there is a secret to being content in abundance. WHAT?! I would have naturally assumed that the abundance lent itself to contentment, no secret required. But the masses of pop culture icons whose lives fail so miserably prove that contentment doesn't come more naturally with abundance. But for me, (because I don't tend to think all rules apply to me) I was sure that abundance itself was the key to contentment. On closer examination of the issue, I see my definition of abundance has changed throughout my life. When I was 12, having $100 was my life's dream. When I was in college, making $30,000 per year sounded like the pinnacle of success. And now, well the number has reached much higher. But if I'm honest, I know I have more than I truly need (which is the definition of abundance) and yet contentment has not always been the first word my friends would use to describe me. So what is the secret? For me it has been learning that I will live in abundance every day that I spend time with my Lord. Because He is ALL I need. Cliché; maybe. True;definitely.
Gina Brown