Happy Monday ya'llโผ๏ธ๐๐ Are you rested and ready for the week? Me either๐๐ณ Well, I am more so than the last few weekends. I tell ya what, though...let's challenge each other to be rested & ready to conquer the week more so next weekend than this one.
I know, somebody just read this and thought ahead to this weekend like I just did and thought "So much for that! Impossible with my plans this weekend!" I will be driving 5 hours away for soccer this weekend, for example. What are your plans? What ever they are, fit in some down time FOR YOU! Be intentional. You can do it!!
Ok, here's the deal. Most of us would agree that it is a good idea to keep all of the other 9 commandments & for the most part, I would venture to say that is your aim each day. But on the other hand, we act like one of the 10 commandments is old fashion and doesn't really count. Yea, yea, We live in the New Covenant now and that is the Old Testament. We have one commandment now "to love one another as we love ourselves" But seriously, just read them. They still apply because if we are loving each other and ourselves we will be automatically living by the 10 commandments. I am not saying we are under the law still but would you go out and murder someone and think it's ok? Or have an affair and think it is the right thing to do? Go down the list. The only one most of us break with no remorse is "Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy."
For some of us, it's that "loving yourself" that's the hard part and that's why we don't rest enough. Listen, you are valuable. God doesn't want you so worn out that you have nothing else to give and you are a mess physically, emotionally, & spiritually because of you always thinking of everyone else except yourself. I use to think doing anything for me or my family was selfish. I had no boundaries. I honestly lived every day of my life the way I played sports. I thought I was suppose to go wide open and "leave it ALL on the field" every day. For a 1 hour game, you can do that. For a sprint, you can do that. But for a distance run, which is more comparable to life, we have to learn to pace ourselves. And, yes, Mom, this is your daughter writing this.๐ณ And yes, I'm writing it to myself and hope that I will listen to my own advise and DO what I know is right regarding this. I also hope every reader will take this to heart. Begin to love yourself enough to rest. The more I do this, the better I really am for those around me. When I don't do this, ask my family and friends {or maybe don't actually๐} I'm almost useless to anyone.
Join me in getting better each week with setting margin in life. Make a goal and keep it. My goal is to work a certain number of hours this week, to put my phone down and leave it down after a certain time each night, to get a specific number of hours of sleep each day, to spend specific time resting in God's prescence each day & to do something fun this week I wanta do.
Please leave a comment on what helps you to rest, any pointers you have learned with this, or how this is going to help you. and let's meet again over coffee next Monday morning RESTED! ๐๐ด๐๐