"What in the world is happy math?", you might ask. Well, it started as fun, simply doodling on paper 😃>😩. Then I began to go like G>😭 & G>$ & G=❤️ etc. {G=God} After reading the 75 year Harvard study that I break down thoroughly in my book Happy ANYWAY....🎉🙌💃🏻😃🌏👍🙏☀️📖💖😂 (Sorry, just a tiny bit excited. Commercial over.) Sooooo, that Harvard study proved the key to happiness is love. After pondering that a while, I thought, oh so then ❤️=😃. Philosophy was one of my favorite classes in college. Don't judge. But anyway, drawing from basic philosophy, if G=❤️ and ❤️=😃, then G=❤️=😃.
Scripture tells us God is LOVE and that love never fails.
Harvard tells us happiness is love.
Philosophy says if happiness is love, then love is happiness.
Basic algebra says if G=❤️=😃, then it could also be said G=😃.
Scripture tells us in His presence there is fullness of joy. And God gave us all things richly to enjoy. God is the source of joy, the Bible also tells us.
Part of the definition of happy is enjoying joy. So putting all this together, God is love. The secret to happiness is love. Love never fails. So if we want our relationships not to fail, love is the key! When relationships are healthy our happiness is at an all time high. What relationship is the ultimate relationship above all others? Our relationship with God! So when our relationship with God is healthy and vibrant, we are able to better navigate all other relationships in love.
So get it? God is Love. Love is Happiness.
Order your copy of Happy ANYWAY today and if you already have it, you will see the happy math scattered throughout it! Get good at happy math and your happy will increase!
Please let me know how the Happy ANYWAY study is a blessing in your life. Would love to hear your happy anyway story!!! I just know that as we all lock arms, we are going to spread this happy all over the world. God is the source of our happy and the gospel is a happy story! Share it! Spread it! And let me know how it goes! A bunch of Happy Small Groups have just launched. I am expecting many women will find their happy through this 6 week devotional as life begins to all add up for all of us! I have already heard from probably a dozen women since this last groups launch who have sent texts & emails telling me how much they are getting from their happy small groups. I'm just praising God! So glad women are finding their happy inspite of their storms!
I had a wonderful time this weekend with the ladies from Harvest Family Church. Thank you Fredna McNeese for having me in for your Happy Weekend. The happy sisterhood is growing!! Who doesn't want to be part of a happy sisterhood right?!
I'm praying for you and look forward to seeing you on social media. Follow me on FB Twitter & Instagram @addiecooley so I can keep you reminded to own your happy every day! 😂😍
Happy Monday!!!