an excert from my upcoming book from the chapter called Happy Habits...
Habit 4: Talk Happy ~ Walk Happy
Talk Happy
This is a little tip I learned in Bible School and it is so true. Scripture tells us that faith comes by hearing the Word of God. One way to make sure you hear plenty Word, in order to build your faith, is for you to speak it out of your own mouth. Think about it. You say it. Then you hear it. Guess whose words we believe the most? Our own!
So talk nice to yourself. You will only talk as good to others as you talk to yourself. You only love others as much as you love you! (Mark 12:31) Check up from the neck up! And about half the time, shut up. I have observed that when it comes to that tiny little area between my nose and chin, less is more! Of course if we learn to control our tongues, we can control all the rest of us.
Does any of this remind you of your self talk? You idiot! What a loser! No wonder nobody likes me! Maybe I should just quit?! I don’t even know why I try. They are going to be so mad at me!
Let's together commit to change our self-talk to sound more like this:
You got this! Yes, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I am not quitter & Christ is faithful and will finish the good work He began in me. I am trusting You, God, that I have favor like a shield and I have given grace so according to your Word, I will receive grace pressed down, shaken together, and running over!
Be intentional about your happy self-talk today. I guarantee it will make for a Happy Monday!