Willie, Phil, and Si won our hearts on Duck Dynasty and had us all saying we were happy, happy, happy all the time. I’ll never forget when we were introduced to it in a condo in Orange Beach, AL during Spring Break. We sat there and laughed and laughed and laughed for hours.
“The joy of the Lord is our strength” is one of our most favorite verses of scripture just like Duck Dynasty soared to become one of America’s favorite TV shows. The thought I want to leave with you to take through your week is very simple but also very powerful. It’s this...joy is from the Lord. So if it’s true that God gives us all things richly to enjoy, and He gave us joy, then He want’s us to enjoy our joy. And that is the definition of Happy - enjoying joy! So that means it is for sure God’s will for us to be happy, to enjoy our joy that is from the Lord! So are strong people strong because they are happy or are happy people happy because they are strong? You need more strength to get through the day? Go enjoy your joy and be happy, happy, happy!