A friend who is doing #whole30 told me recently that they say to stay away from "foods with no brakes". Such great advise. Advise I am attempting to follow. So far so good. This single shift in thought about food is really healthy and helping me already. It helps to take away the need to make a decision in the heat of the moment. Any time something unhealthy in any area is up for decision, in the heat of the moment our default may not be the best result we are after.
As soon as my friend told me about the Whole 30 advise when it comes to staying away from food with no brakes, I immediately thought of the battle in my mind about certain things lately. In my heart I just knew...this applies to the thought life! Just stay away from things in your thought life that have no brakes. That. Is. So. Good. These are the thoughts that take you on a downward spiral. Can I just tell you that since that exact moment, some areas that were haunting my mind have simply not been thought about much again. Sheer choice to stop thinking about things I cannot change has left me lighter and happier. My mood has improved, a pep has resurged in my step, and my eyes have been lifted. Honestly, I realized depression was trying to creep back in on the heels of the sadness of the last season that I have trekked through. But God is so faithful! He opened the eyes of my understanding to know the hope to which I have been called and He can do the same for you. My friend had no idea that in casually sharing with me the victory she is finding in her diet with the Whole 30 way of eating would impact me and help me get through this season with a renewed mindset. But thank God for godly friends and that in community there is healthy conversation which improves things for both as needed. Who knew a principle of Whole 30 would actually help me have a mind shift to overcome a part of grief so that I could move to the next phase and get unstuck?
I hope this helps you in some way as you are maneuvering through your life. I am thankful to have this community of sisterhood where we can comment on this blog or share it with a friend or pick up the phone and be iron sharpening iron for someone like my friend was for me.
Remember, stay away from food, thoughts or anything else that has no brakes for you and share with us how this radically empowers success for you!!
Happy Monday!