Is there something you feel strongly about? Is there something wrong you want to right? Someone you wish you could change or a belief about something that just fires you up when you think about it?
I think this one fact from 1 Corinthians 13 that "love never fails" is the cornerstone of Christianity and what sets Christianity apart from all others.
Really believing that love never fails gives us faith for things to work out when love has been poured into the situation.
When we inject love into our passion, we can right wrongs and change the world starting with ourselves!
What good is our faith without love? None! ...according to scripture because faith works by love. Christianity is so beautiful if you think about it. Christianity certainly takes faith to believe and there is no way we are able to believe in it without love. Love is the entire crux of Christianity. We may think we have faith but without love our faith is dead. Wow! That's powerful. Think about the last soap box you got on or the last anger fit you threw. Any time anger is present, there is fear rather than faith in God to work things out.
Perfect love casts out fear scripture tells us. What that means is that instead of fearing people we don't understand, we love them. That would be very much the faith-filled thing to do trusting God to protect us from them, to help us live in harmony with them, forgive them, all while having proper boundaries with them.
Take what is going on in America right now and in so many other countries around the world for example. Hatred toward various people groups, political parties, or religions will not solve our issues. But the difference is love. Hatred fails every time. And when you bring differnces of belief systems all the way down from a world level to a national level to a state level to a personal level, love is what wins every time. The way we win against all the hatred out there is by overcoming it with love. Your love can make a huge difference. Every single light pushes back the darkness a little bit more! Never discount your part! Love NEVER fails! So let’s let love have her perfect work in us and we will not fail!!! Love will propel our faith into action and we will be a force to be reckoned with!
Happy Monday!